Delivery of Street Bikes

Unfortunately Fann Street, is enduring ridiculous early morning deliveries of Human Forrest Street Bikes. The times are usually between 11.30pm and 3am in the morning. Now considering Fann Street is not 10 yards away from Cuthbert Harrowing House and the docking bay situated in Fann Street directly in front of CHH, me and many others have contacted Human Forrest to complain of the noise level these deliveries cause. Many bikes are pulled from the Van and the bikes reset for use, which at times there are 10-15 bikes dropped off in this area, and which overspill the docking area. We are subject to the bikes noisely being pulled off the Van, and the resetting ‘Bleeps’ are constant. I have officially complained to Environmental Health regarding this. As this is a densely populated area, with residential blocks in close proximity. A regulated time between 8-10pm would be more considerate than 1.30am this morning to drop off these bikes!!