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Please see attached regarding estate office closure.



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May I ask why the Estate Office feels the need to close, because of redecorations?  Having lived here for over 20 years, I recall several times when the Estate Office underwent certain renovations, a couple at least being major disruptions, but makeshift ones were always set up, thereby keeping the office service available to residents.  The Office opening hours have already been cut back dramatically, and now this.  The so called service just seems to be getting worse.  This is of no benefit to residents at all.  Yet, we were assured at the last meeting for residents that our interests were of the utmost importance to the City of London.  I look forward to a response.  Thank you.

May I ask the Estate Office to kindly reply to my question please.  Many thanks.

The City of London does not use this website or forum for discussion.

It is used as a means to convey information and announcements to residents and other service users.

Whilst information placed on this site may provoke discussion between residents, the City of London will not be making formal responses on this forum to these matters.

If residents or service user wish to discuss or converse with a member of staff on any information which is provided on this site, they should do so directly to the individual or via the link provided for estate staff.

If there are aspects to the service which individuals feel need to be looked at or addresses, this should be taken up directly with the estate team and not through this forum.

Whilst I will not be entering a debate on this post, The City of London believes that the safety of staff and service users should be upper most in all that we do.


Laurence Jones

Estate Manager

This is precisely what this website is for, discussions!  That's what we do.  It is run by Golden Lane residents, and supported by the Golden Lane Residents' Association.  It's a great way of communicating with one another, and helpful when someone posts a question, so when an answer is received we all can benefit.  

Hi Stefi.  

What a shame you did not get a response.  This forum is here precisely so we can all engage in discussions put up.  I merely asked a simple question about why the Estate Office was closed for a bit of redecoration, when this had never happened in the past, and you can see the response.  I had addressed my question to an estate office not the Lord Mayor of London!  Recently, a very elderly resident, who has lived here for years, and whom I have never heard complain, told me that the Estate Office were no longer 'so helpful'.  The sad thing is if a resident in her 90's feels like this, that is worrying.  I hope you do get an answer to your post, as we, as residents, benefit from such discussions.  

Stefi said:

Dear  Laurence,

Hoping you will break your rule and answer this query—could you clarify why you/City of London don't want to engage in conversations with residents on this forum? It seems a great way to communicate and beneficial to everyone. I've been to a number of meetings where you state you want to listen to us and respond accordingly, surely this is a good start? I know Wendy used the site frequently, I think we would like it if you did too.

On Friday, 19 December, at 2.30 pm, I needed to go into the Estate Office, but was very surprised to find the door locked.  I could see, even though the 'shield' across the windows made it difficult, that all the office lights were off.  I called the office number, only to receive an automated message from 'Property Services for the City of London'!  Never heard of that one.  I rang again, an hour later, only to hear the same thing.
We have been told that the Estate Office opens from 2-4 pm in the afternoons. And that, when they are not open, there is always a member of staff who will answer the phone.  However, on this occasion, there was neither.  A couple of other people also noticed this, and were not happy at the inconvenience.  There was no notice on the door with any explanation either.  Please would the Office inform us what happened on this occasion.  Thank you.  

It would be appreciated if a response could be posted, as it is important that us residents are made aware of why changes are made to the Estate Office opening times, when they differ to those as advertised, especially when it causes an inconvenience.


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