
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

City of London Childcare Affordability Scheme - up to 40% fees paid by City

Dear all

We wanted to get in touch to let you know about the City's Childcare Affordability Scheme - an old initiative recently brought back to life that could see the City pay for up to 40% of the fees for eligible families. All of us know that childcare is costly - high real estate costs and large staff numbers make it so, but the City - the only local authority in the UK to do so - has released funds to make sure that families earning less than £55k p.a. joint household income can benefit from the City contributing a large portion of the fees on their behalf.

Nurseries have to offer a discount themselves to be part of the programme so only a few of us are taking part. We wanted to make this known to you as we're based just under Jewin Chapel on Fann Street (our front door is under the bell tower on Viscount street). Please do send us an email to barbican@hatching-dragons.com to find out how much you could save on childcare, or just ring on our bell. 

We also wanted to invite you to come and join our mid-Autumn festival party on the 25th. We're hosting a large events programme in the afternoon to celebrate both Chinese and British harvest customs, so if you're keen to get your children seeing some amazing shadow puppetry, please come join us here

We're looking forward to hearing from you

Cenn and the Team

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