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Good morning everyone


A very good morning from a drenched Crescent House, what a rain! Forecast is that it will rain all day, pfiuuu.


We had a fruitful and friendly meeting on Friday to talk about the “windows” of Crescent House. We did not mean to start an earthquake or engage in a new combat only to reconnect with each other and share the updates of the last few months to get ready for what is to come, albeit at an unknown time. That was achieved.


Little achievements are what best characterise what we do. Step by step, very slowly, with patience determination and time, we have achieved a lot for the benefits of all of us residents and leaseholders. It is important to remind ourselves of what our meetings and neighbours have done on our behalf (thank you to Roland for this summary):

  • obtaining and circulating documents by FoI (Freedom of Information) when the City would not provide them
  • holding four well attended residents meetings because the City wasn’t planning any
  • getting elected members to engage with the main issues and talk on our behalf
  • surveying all residents as the City wasn’t going to (we made them U-turn on that)
  • getting triple glazing ditched
  • getting vacuum glazing adopted
  • getting a conservation approach adopted
  • getting the soffit insulation and roof insulation included
  • getting the shops included (a bit) at the City’s cost (see 27% abatement)
  • helping our neighbours to understand some of the issues that the City have been appalling at communicating

and more intangibly, persuading the City that residents’ views are a key aspect of the project—which they seem to be coming round to.


We have made a substantial difference, even though it has been hard work over four years. This happened through the dedication, patience and generosity of each one of us to give up our time and talent to work on behalf of all and each one of us. This has an impact on all of you/us. Do not assume your neighbours will always be able to carry the torch on your behalf. Do join in.


The next few months will hopefully see the start of the project. The process to respond to Section 20 letters will go very quickly, probably too quickly for us volunteers and amateurs. We must therefore prepare ourselves in advance and lobby the decision makers and advisors of the City actively now. The time is now and your time and talents are needed.


A summary of the meeting is being drafted and will be circulated soon. We expect the first Section 20 to be served before Christmas. We also anticipate the City to call a meeting for leaseholders only at some point. In preparation of this meeting, we invite all leaseholders to come for a neighbours meeting on Weds 2nd October; we are aiming to have an online as well as in person meeting. Watch out for an announcement and confirmation of the date and place.


Kind regards


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