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Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

I was absolutely gobsmacked too at the leaflet David K mentions.

So, if he's voted back on again why do we not target him to get Stanley Cohen House sorted.

At the Community Hall meeting on Saturday I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the eldest elected member turn up. Remarkable.

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Agree with you Nick.

Every other local authority ensures that local councillors are paid a proper decent living wage for their work, in virtually all cases independent bodies are appointed to consult, including consultations with residents, examining pay scales in other local authorities, after which a pay scale is agreed. The government appointed a cross party select committee to examine if councillors should be paid, the overwhelming verdict was YES they should be paid, this will ensure and allow a wider cross-section of the community, young, old, disabled etc to stand for election without having to worry about loss of income.

If any councillors does not wish to be paid, they can easily donate their due to a charity.

I am not an ageist, however there has now come a time that the City needs to become more democratic.

Don't think I mentioned anything about them getting paid. Again, for all its faults we don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I'd be happy with a sharpened up and more responsive Common Council.


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